What is an incomplete question, Alex?Change thermostat in 1998 Pontiac Grand AM V6?u mean how to change?Change thermostat in 1998 Pontiac Grand AM V6?I've done this job and it's not as hard as it
looks. The thermostat is located on the passenger side of the engine directly under the throttle body. You will have to remove the throttle body and unplug the attached wiring from it. Just make sure you put it all back like you found it. Drain the coolant so you don't make a big mess. Disconnect the hose going into the water neck. Take the water neck off and put your new thermostat in with the spring side pointing down. It comes with a new rubber gasket already installed so no gasket sealant is necessary. Put it all back together, refill with water and antifreeze, and you are done.