1. Drain the coolant
2. Follow the top rad hose down to the block
3. Remove the hose @ the block
4. Remove the thermostat housing
5. Remove the thermostat
6. Remove any gasket residue
7. Ensure surfaces are clean %26amp; dry prior to installation
8. Ensure the thermostat is installed the correct way around. [the spring side faces into the engine]
9. Refill the radiator [may have to loosen a heater hose to purge the air]
禄禄禄How do i change the thermostat in my pontiac montana 2004 ?The first 2 answers are correct. Sounds simple enough, except for the exhaust crossover pipe that is over the housing. Labor is 2.2 hours as long as it doesn't have A.I.R. pipes, then it goes to 3.0How do i change the thermostat in my pontiac montana 2004 ?Disconnect the upper radiator hose from the engine and remove the cover (2 bolts). Be sure to put the new thermostat in with the bulb down.