Tuesday, October 25, 2011
How do you change the thermostat on a 2001 nissan frontier 3.3 step by step and where is it located?
ok follow the top hose back to the motor will be inside that most of the time only two bolts....drain a bit of coolent,,, loosen the hose ,,, take out the bolts.... clean off old gasket... both sides ,,,, the part that is on the hose and the motor... use just a bit of blue silacone replace gasket make sure the thremostat is right side up tighten bolts and dont over tighten but do tighen them .... refill crank refill again check for leaks.. your done.... pretty easy most of the time....couple hours or less depending on how hot it is when you start and if you have the parts ready to go back.... is a can do at home thing for sure