I need to change a thermostat on my 93 honda civic. Any step by step directions? Possibly with a picture location?Change a thermostat on 93 Civic?before you change it, it would be best if you let it cool over night or at least for a few hours. it'll burn the snot out 'o ya if your not careful. your also going to need a bucket and a tarp/drip-pan to catch the old fluid. what your trying to do here is drain the radiator level enough before you pull the thermostat housing off. the radiator should have a little petcock on the bottom, usually with a little nipple to connect a hose to do drain it. now it doesnt need to be completely empty, maybe a half gallon or so just to be sure. if the fluid is not green, or a very close variation, drain the whole darn thing so you can put some new coolant in. brown fluid aint doin you no favors.
after you pull the housing off, take a plastic or aluminum scraper to the housing and the mating surface to get off all the old gasket. if you think you got it all off, take your finger nail and double check, an old gasket will hide from ya. get a new gasket, some gasket sealer, install and walla! all done. AND DONT FORGET TO DO A LEAK CHECK!!! add fluid to the radiator till its about an inch or so from the bottom of the cap....i dont think you have a pressure tank on there, but if you do fill it to the top line. start the car and let it run for a while. you'll know the fluid is moving through when the top radiator line starts to get warm/hot. look all around where you worked and make sure there is no leaks. check your fluid after the first half hour of driving or so, and there ya go. and for pete sake, make sure your radiator cap is on tight. hope this helps
Change a thermostat on 93 Civic?If you know where the hose comes from the radiator up top, than all you have to do is follow where it connects to the motor. The round part under that holds the thermostat. There should be two or three bolts holding it on. They may be 10-13millimeter bolts holding it on.
If you do get to it there may be a gasket on there and may brake when you take it off. If so be sure to remove all of the off gasket so that the new one wont have any problems.