if you think is electric or vacuum. tell me where to locate it at. fuses are okI got 1998 ford E150 van 4.6 No heat ,change thermostat and heater hose are hot core is ok?flush your radiator and heater core outI got 1998 ford E150 van 4.6 No heat ,change thermostat and heater hose are hot core is ok?check your temp.sending unit and your heater core.I got 1998 ford E150 van 4.6 No heat ,change thermostat and heater hose are hot core is ok?There is a vacuum operated %26quot;mix motor%26quot; in the dash somewhere (sorry, not sure exactly where on the van) and if it goes bad, you will have no heat. If it fails the other way, you won't have A/C. As long as you're not smelling coolant in the cab, the heater core is more than likely ok.I got 1998 ford E150 van 4.6 No heat ,change thermostat and heater hose are hot core is ok?There will be a heater control valve located on one of the hoses going to the heater box on the engine side of the firewall
the heater control valve will either have a vacuum hose or a cable on top of it
if both of the hoses are hot you should have heatI got 1998 ford E150 van 4.6 No heat ,change thermostat and heater hose are hot core is ok?if its vacuum, you are opening a whole new can of worms, see if ford will give you a schematic of the vacuum system, if its electric controlled any haynes repair manual for your van will have the wiring schematics in the back, if you know how to follow them they will help if not, try the heater control valve first tho, they do go bad no matter what type of vehicle you have, even if its problem is circled alreadyI got 1998 ford E150 van 4.6 No heat ,change thermostat and heater hose are hot core is ok?id bet that it is mechanical, the one that i saw yesterday was.