Friday, September 23, 2011

Is it cheaper to leave your thermostat at one temperature constantly or change it though out the day?

leave it set at one temperature and hear is why when you turn your thermostat down every thing in your house also gets down to that temperature and your furnace has to work twice as hard to warm every thing back up to your normal at home temperatureIs it cheaper to leave your thermostat at one temperature constantly or change it though out the day?Use a programmable thermostat and set it lower in the evenings when you are asleep.Is it cheaper to leave your thermostat at one temperature constantly or change it though out the day?If no one is home during the day, turn it down. Turn it back up when you get home.Is it cheaper to leave your thermostat at one temperature constantly or change it though out the day?Both are right. You can buy reasonable set back thermostats that will program a number of different times on and off and which have overrides if you feel the need for a bit more heat or unexpectedly need it.

Studies by utility companies agree if no one is home and the place doesn't need a lot of heat for sensitive pets, etc., use the setbacks. The energy costs are considered less to bring a place back to usual temp than to keep it on same setting all day. I have used one for years and did notice a bit of difference in therms used.Is it cheaper to leave your thermostat at one temperature constantly or change it though out the day?You can change it once.

Have a temperature for when you are awake and one for when you are asleep or away from home.Is it cheaper to leave your thermostat at one temperature constantly or change it though out the day?You can save 10-15% on your bill by replacing your thermostat with a programmable unit. It is an easy do it yourself project and not very expensive. For a step by step guide, check out the thermostat page at www.hvac-for-beginners.comIs it cheaper to leave your thermostat at one temperature constantly or change it though out the day?All of these are very good answers. Just be sure not to vary your degree of change by more than 2 degrees. Everything has to be %26quot;heated%26quot; in the room, not just the air, to bring to temp.