Thursday, September 15, 2011

Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?

When cooling: Set the temp UP.

When heating: Set the temp DOWN.Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?no, i like it colder when i sleep, so the a/c gets cranked at night in the summer, and i leave the heat at 71 all the timeSaving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?Yes I have to turn the air way down at night because it gets hot upstairs

*Cutie*Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?Yes. I always have.Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?Yes. Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?nope I leave mine at the same temp all day long Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?During the day I keep it at 76 degress (Fahrenheit) .... Then at night it goes to 82 degrees (Fahrenheit).Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?I always make it cooler at night, so do my parents in their house, but my brother never touches his thermostat......ever.Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?After seeing your picture,It is very warm in here.Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?I set mine cooler when I am ready for bed. Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?Nope mine is constantly off as my house is like an oven 24/7. Especially the front room. Like when you close the doors in my house it just traps the hot air in and the whole place just heats up like an oven.Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?Yes.In the winter, we turn the thermostat down at night, and use so many covers, we have to get out of bed to turn over! :)Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?Yup i do.Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?No, because my building does not allow the individual residents to set the thermostat - it is all controlled from the main switch.Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?I try to be very conservative in climate control at home (NYC). I only use a room size AC and then, only when necessary, maybe 6-10 times a year. In the heating season I have the thermostat set at 60 all the time. If need be I raise it manually. It is a programmable thermostat, meaning that at the next cycle the temperature will revert back to 60.Saving Money Poll: Do you change your thermostat setting for nighttime hours ?You're brilliant. That's exactly why I got a programmable thermostat and that's how I've programmed it. Here's an example: When others in the household belly-ache about it being too cool in the wintertime I just tell them to put on more clothes. I try to get devious by switching from fahrenheit to celcius to confuse people. You've got it. I'm old enough to understand both systems and I can convert from one to the other, too. Here's a conversion chart for anyone interested.